Chermine Assadian

Chermine Assadian

Chermine is a Global Creative Lead at VML. 
Being Half Iranian, half French with a British wife, he’s never been shy to explore the world and learn from other cultures. He worked in Paris, Dubai, Beirut, London, Amsterdam…  
In 2024 the Waiting to Live campaign for the NHS Blood and organ donations has won more than 70 awards including 4 Grand Prix, 3 Cannes Lions, 5 D&AD Pencils, making him one of the most awarded creatives in the world.
But more importantly out of the 233 kids featured in the campaign, more than 50% received their lifesaving transplants.

Here are some other things he has done in 24+ years in advertising and 45+ years on earth: He worked for Airbus and launched the A380 (his first Silver Lion), made London double decker buses run on coffee fuel (Wooden Pencil at D&AD), made a female empowerment campaign in Lebanon before it was cool to make female empowerment campaigns (first Gold Lion for Lebanon, 5 Gold and 2 Silver at Dubai Lynx ) introduced the adidas Futurecraft4d (1 Gold Lion in Product Design and 1 Silver for Innovation).

He is the proud father of 3 very rebellious but wonderful girls.

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